"Intense psychological stress tends to shut down the part of the brain...
“Intense psychological stress tends to shut down the part of the brain responsible for innovative, creative thought. Instead, we tend to revert to the familiar and the well-rehearsed. […] The men are...
View Articlesofterworld: A Softer World: 754 (because you’ll be dead.)
softerworld: A Softer World: 754 (because you’ll be dead.)
View Articlemmegatsby: Golden Gate Bridge, Reuben Cornel
mmegatsby: Golden Gate Bridge, Reuben Cornel
View Article"I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of...
“I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.” - Anaïs Nin (via girl-interrupted-x)
View Article"Non c’è bisogno che tu le tolga. Basta scostarle"
“Non c’è bisogno che tu le tolga. Basta scostarle” - The Babalaas:
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